Give No Advice
As you begin to read this article, appreciate the contradiction . How can I write an article titled, "Give No Advice," without appearing to give advice about that subject? I can't. Wow, this was the shortest article that I have written. How about a proposition, an assertion of my opinion, with a couple of examples to support that opinion? So, unless you are an expert in a particular subject, trained, in possession of degrees or certificates that attest to that training, and you have practical experience , I suggest that, "You should give no advice outside of that subject area." This is legal low risk guidance. But, you might have legitimately useful advice for others even though you don't have any fancy training and certificates. Writing about this subject is therapy for me. I struggle with the idea of not advising grown members of my family, my friends, and (everyone else, like readers of my articles). I want all of you to benefit from my experiences. Sadl...